I am trying to achieve something like this, I have an OOB data and some user entered text I am able to parse the OOB data which is a JSON. But I am not able to check the pattern for user entered data Test data in the below example input. Is there any suggestion how can I do this?
u: (< \[ * input _* \] _*) ^keep() ^repeat()
getNameFromJson($inputData $secondInput)
$_tmp = ^jsonparse( $inputData )
\n name: $_tmp.user, phone: $_tmp.speed
if(^match(TEST)) {
} else if(match(THANKS)){
u: TEST (test) ^keep() ^repeat()
Some test impl
u: THANKS (~thankConcept) ^keep() ^repeat()
Glad to be of help.
My input is like [ input {user:"test", speed:10} ] Test data
In simplecontrol.top you can put following rule before MAIN
$requestData will capture your JSON input (provided in OOB). ^fail() function is important here, as it will allow further processing of your input sentence. After above rule If you keep u: MAIN () as it is provided in simplecontrol.top of harry bot, you can match "Test Data" with following rule in any matching topic.