I have data stored in Jtable, and then I am taking this data row by row and passing this data to a callable procedure in database(1 call for each row), and Procedure returns the message once completed, this process takes almost 1-2 min for each call, can someone tell me how can I display a single progress bar for whole process. (I mean 1 progress bar for all the call), I want Progress bar to be finished once loop ends.
My code is below:
DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) data.getModel();
for (int count = 0; count < model.getRowCount(); count++) {
CallableStatement csmt = con.prepareCall("{call CODE_REVIEW.PRC_WRAPPER_REVIEW(?,?,?,?)}");
String folder=model.getValueAt(count, 0).toString();
String type=model.getValueAt(count, 1).toString();
String name=model.getValueAt(count, 2).toString();
String messege =csmt.getString(4);
You can use a
to do the calls in the background and update the progress bar in the Event Dispatching Thread (a.k.a. EDT). Something like this:Take a look to Worker Threads and SwingWorker section in Concurrency in Swing trail.