How to display Progress bar for a procedure call

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I have data stored in Jtable, and then I am taking this data row by row and passing this data to a callable procedure in database(1 call for each row), and Procedure returns the message once completed, this process takes almost 1-2 min for each call, can someone tell me how can I display a single progress bar for whole process. (I mean 1 progress bar for all the call), I want Progress bar to be finished once loop ends.

My code is below:

DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) data.getModel();
for (int count = 0; count < model.getRowCount(); count++) {
    CallableStatement csmt = con.prepareCall("{call CODE_REVIEW.PRC_WRAPPER_REVIEW(?,?,?,?)}");

    String folder=model.getValueAt(count, 0).toString();
    String type=model.getValueAt(count, 1).toString();
    String name=model.getValueAt(count, 2).toString();

    String messege =csmt.getString(4);

There are 2 answers

dic19 On

You can use a SwingWorker to do the calls in the background and update the progress bar in the Event Dispatching Thread (a.k.a. EDT). Something like this:

SwingWorker<Void, Integer> worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Integer>() {
    protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
        int processed = 0;
        DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) data.getModel();
        for (int count = 0; count < model.getRowCount(); count++) {
            String messege = csmt.getString(4);
            publish(processed / model.getRowCount() * 100);
        return null;

    protected void process(List<Integer> list) {
        progressBar.setValue(list.get(list.size() - 1));

Take a look to Worker Threads and SwingWorker section in Concurrency in Swing trail.

alex2410 On

You need to use SwingWorker for updating UI while you do long background process.

Read tutorail for SwingWorker and Concurency in Swing.