How to display a Unicode character in Python

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I have a text file which contains accented characters such as: 'č', 'š', 'ž'. When I read this file with a Python program and put the file content into a Python list the accented characters are lost, Python replaces them with other characters. For example: 'č' is replaced by '_'. Does anyone know how I can keep the accented characters in a Python program, when I read them from a file? My code:

import sqlite3 #to work with relational DB

conn = sqlite3.connect('contacts.sqlite') #connect to db 
cur = conn.cursor() #db connection handle

cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS contacts")

cur.execute("CREATE TABLE contacts (id INTEGER, name TEXT, surname  TEXT, email TEXT)")

fname = "acos_ibm_notes_contacts - test.csv"
fh = open(fname) #file handle
print " "
print "Reading", fname
print " "

#First build a Python list with new contacts data: name, surname and email address

lst = list() #temporary list to hold content of the file
new_contact_list = list() #this list will contain contatcs data: name, surname and email address
count = 0 # to count number of contacts
id = 1 #will be used to add contacts id into the DB
for line in fh: #for every line in the file handle
    new_contact = list()
    name = ''
    surname = ''
    mail = ''
    #split line into tokens at each '"' character and put tokens into  the temporary list
    lst = line.split('"')
    if lst[1] == ',': continue #if there is no first name, move to next line
    elif lst[1] != ',': #if 1st element of list is not empty
        name = lst[1] #this is the name
        if name[-1] == ',': #If last character in name is ','
        name = name[:-1] #delete it
        new_contact.append({'Name':name}) #add first name to new list of contacts
        if lst[5] != ',': #if there is a last name in the contact data
            surname = lst[5] #assign 5th element of the list to surname
            if surname[0] == ',': #If first character in surname is ','
                surname = surname[1:] #delete it
            if surname[-1] == ',': #If last character in surname is ','
                surname = surname[:-1] #delete it
            if ',' in surname: #if surname and mail are merged in same list element
                sur_mail = surname.split(',') #split them at the ','
                surname = sur_mail[0]
                mail = sur_mail[1]
            new_contact.append({'Surname':surname}) #add last name to new list of contacts
            new_contact.append({'Mail':mail}) #add mail address to new list of contacts
    count = count + 1

# Second: populate the DB with data from the new_contact_list

row = cur.fetchone()
id = 1
for i in range(count):
    entry = new_contact_list[i] #every row in the list has data about 1 contact - put it into variable
    name_dict = entry[0] #First element is a dictionary with name data
    surname_dict = entry[1] #Second element is a dictionary with surname data
    mail_dict = entry[2] #Third element is a dictionary with mail data
    name = name_dict['Name']
    surname = surname_dict['Surname']
    mail = mail_dict['Mail']
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (id, name, surname, mail))
    id = id + 1               

conn.commit() # Commit outstanding changes to disk 


This is simplified version of the program with no DB, just printing to screen

import io
fh ="notes_contacts.csv", encoding="utf_16_le") #file handle

lst = list() #temporary list to hold content of the file
new_contact_list = list() #this list will contain the contact name,    surname and email address
count = 0 # to count number of contacts
id = 1 #will be used to add contacts id into the DB
for line in fh: #for every line in the file handle
    print "Line from file:\n", line # print it for debugging purposes
    new_contact = list()
    name = ''
    surname = ''
    mail = ''
    #split line into tokens at each '"' character and put tokens into  the temporary list
    lst = line.split('"')
    if lst[1] == ',': continue #if there is no first name, move to next line
    elif lst[1] != ',': #if 1st element of list is not empty
        name = lst[1] #this is the name
        print "Name in variable:", name # print it for debugging purposes
        if name[-1] == ',': #If last character in name is ','
            name = name[:-1] #delete it
            new_contact.append({'Name':name}) #add first name to new list of contacts
        if lst[5] != ',': #if there is a last name in the contact data
            surname = lst[5] #assign 5th element of the list to surname
            print "Surname in variable:", surname # print it for debugging purposes
            if surname[0] == ',': #If first character in surname is ','
                surname = surname[1:] #delete it
            if surname[-1] == ',': #If last character in surname is ','
                surname = surname[:-1] #delete it
            if ',' in surname: #if surname and mail are merged in same list element
                sur_mail = surname.split(',') #split them at the ','
                surname = sur_mail[0]
                mail = sur_mail[1]
            new_contact.append({'Surname':surname}) #add last name to new list of contacts
            new_contact.append({'Mail':mail}) #add mail address to new list of contacts
        print "New contact within the list:", new_contact # print it for debugging purposes


And this is the content of the file notes_contacts.csv, it has 1 line only:

Aco,"",Vidovič,[email protected],+38613208872,"",+38640456872,"","","","","","","","",""

There are 2 answers

Tran Manh On

try to use # coding=utf-8 at the first line of code program

Alastair McCormack On

In Python 2.7, the default file mode is binary. Instead, you need to open the file in a text mode and have the text decoded as it in Python 3. You don't have to decode text when reading a file but it saves you from having to worry about encodings later in your code.

Add to the top:

import io


 fh =, encoding='utf_16_le')

Note: You always need to pass in the encoding as Python can't natively guess the encoding.

Now, every time you read(), the text will be converted to a Unicode string.

The SQLite module accepts TEXT as Unicode or UTF-8 encoded str. As you've already decoded your text to Unicode you don't have to do anything else.

To ensure that SQLite doesn't try to encode the main body of your SQL command back to an ASCII string, change the SQL command to a Unicode string by appending a u to the string.


cur.execute(u"INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (id, name, surname, mail))

Python 3 will help you avoid some of these quirks and you'll simply need to do the following to make it work:

fh =, encoding='utf_16_le')

As your data looks like standard Excel dialect CSV, then you can use the CSV modules to split your data. The DictReader allows you to pass the column names, which makes it ultra easy to parse your fields. Unfortunately, Python's 2.7 CSV module is not Unicode-safe so you need to use the Py3 backport:

Your code can be simplified to:

from backports import csv
import io

csv_fh ='contacts.csv', encoding='utf_16_le')

field_names = [u'first_name', u'middle_name', u'surname', u'email',
               u'phone_office', u'fax', u'phone_mobile', u'inside_leg_measurement']

csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_fh, fieldnames=field_names)

for row in csv_reader:
    if not row['first_name']: continue

    print u"First Name: {first_name}, " \
          u"Surname: {surname} " \
          u"Email: {email}".format(first_name=row['first_name'],