Using .Net Core 3.1
I've implemented my event source like this:
[EventSource(Name = "RequestStatistics-Events")]
public sealed class RequestEventsProvider : EventSource
public RequestEventsProvider() : base(throwOnEventWriteErrors: false)
[Event(1, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Opcode = EventOpcode.Info)]
public void RequestProcessed(string requestPath, int responseCode, long processingTime)
WriteEvent(1, requestPath, responseCode, processingTime);
Then I collect tracing with dotnet-trace like this:
dotnet-trace collect --providers RequestStatistics-Events -p 23544
Then I open tracelog in PerfView and see my events:
As you can see every event contains stack within. It creates additional overhead though it is absolutely useless in my scenario. How can I disable stack collection?
Another question is: is it possible to disable stacks for Microsoft-Diagnostics-DiagnosticSource provider? I saw something like this in PerfView logs:
Enabling Provider:Microsoft-Diagnostics-DiagnosticSource Level:Informational Keywords:0xfffffffffffff7ff Stacks:1 Values:...blabla...
and I,ve tried to run collection with "stacks" key-value pair:
but it didn't affect anything.