how to disable cas if I use web.xml configuration

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I have problem to disable JASIG CAS SSO without touching web.xml. For now I configure cas like that cas web.xml config . The best way it would be to somehow move all the configuration to external property file to disable it easy during development as I won't have access to CAS server once it will be implemented. I tried to move configuration as a spring bean like here bean definition for cas server . Unfortunately I kept getting errors about service/servername configuration even though I provided them all. Is there any good explanation of configuration cas externatly I will be very grateful. Thanks


There are 1 answers


You can configure another intercept filter before cas filter is invoked and then control it from there with a flag. If the flag is enabled, you can continue with the cas filter. If not enabled, you can decide to skip the cas flow and redirect it to your regular flow.