How to disable ascending/descending order in Banana Term Panel

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In Banana, I can't visualize my Data (as a bar style) via a Term Panel without ascending order nor descending order.

Let's suppose that my field variable is a range time between 0 and 9 seconds and I want to show frequencies (option Mode=count) by keeping the normal range 0-9 onto my X axis. Then it's impossible ! I'm stuck to choose between 'ascending' order or descending' order, nothing else !

I tried to edit the file 'editor.html' to add a third option named 'normal' in addition to 'descending' and 'ascending', and I tried to edit the 'module.js' file to add new conditions (like: if $scope.panel.order === 'ascending', and if $scope.panel.order === 'normal' ), but nothing has changed...

Does anybody has a solution ? Thank you by advance.


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