I have a game which is adapted to iPhone 4 & iPhone 5 screens. Everything worked well on iOS 7, but on the iOS8 when I build the project for iPhone 5 with iOS 8 shows iphone4.xib's with black stripe, this means that it does not detect iPhone 5 screen. How to fix this?
How to detect iPhone 5 screen in iOS 8
133 views Asked by Ptah At
There are 2 answers

What I understood is that this what you want to do
You need to do add a LaunchScreen.xib for your App to be compatible on iOS 8 If you are supporting iOS <8 you must add a iPhone 5 resolution (640x1136) sized black PNG file named [email protected]
This is how Apple recommends to add a LaunchScreen.xib https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/ConfiguringYourApp/ConfiguringYourApp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40012582-CH28-SW4
I solved the problem.
Before that, I checked which device the app is running in by: [VSUtils isIPhone5Screen]. On iOS8 it doesn't work.
I have done so: