How can I detect if my web app is running under the CocoonJS wrapper using WebView+? I've tried if (typeof Cocoon == 'undefined') ...
but that doesn't seem to work. I've checked the CocoonJS site, but this information is not easily found.
How To Detect If Web App Is Wrapped By CocoonJS
253 views Asked by James Wilkins At
Turns out there's a global property
that exists in this environment. I just usedif (typeof cocoonjsCheckArgs =='undefined') ...
to know when not to show certain messages in this environment. I have no idea if this is the correct path, but it works for me at the moment.Update: Also noticed a difference in the agent string: Mobile Safari shows "Version/8.0 Mobile/12F70 Safari/600.1.4" on the end of the agent string (
), and under WebView+ it becomes just "Mobile/12F70". Still, for now, I recommend testing for the existence ofcocoonjsCheckArgs
as the better option, until someone else comes by with a better approach.