I want to make something which will run on the background and only after the computer detect new device is connected the rest of the code will run, is there any elegant way to do such a thing?
How to detect a new usb device is connected on python
35.8k views Asked by Harel2320 AtThere are 5 answers

An alternative (also for windows) could be to use PySerial. You could use a QTimer
(from PyQt) instead of the while
-loop, either in a singlethreaded or multithreaded configuration. A basic example (without QTimer
or threading):
import time
from serial.tools import list_ports # pyserial
def enumerate_serial_devices():
return set([item for item in list_ports.comports()])
def check_new_devices(old_devices):
devices = enumerate_serial_devices()
added = devices.difference(old_devices)
removed = old_devices.difference(devices)
if added:
print 'added: {}'.format(added)
if removed:
print 'removed: {}'.format(removed)
return devices
# Quick and dirty timing loop
old_devices = enumerate_serial_devices()
while True:
old_devices = check_new_devices(old_devices)

you might use pyudev
with something like
from pyudev import Context, Monitor
ctx = Context()
monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(ctx)
for device in iter(monitor.poll, None):
if device.action == 'add':
print("Yay, we have a connected device")
I also developped a Python script that listens for specific devices and executes action when connected, eg:
pip install udev_monitor
udev_monitor.py --devices 0665:5161 --filters=usb --action /root/some_script.sh
You can find the full sources here

You can use WMIC for detecting usb if plugged
import os
Usb = os.popen("wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=2 get description ,deviceid ,volumename").read()
if Usb.find("DeviceID") != -1:
print("\033[1;32mUsb is plugged")
print("\033[0;31mUsb is not plugged")

You can use the OS library to see all drives connected to your computer. The following code will tell you the drives name and if it was connected or disconnected. In addition the code executes the function foo() when a drive is connected. Also, when a drive is disconnected it will execute the command ham()
import os.path
def diff(list1, list2):
list_difference = [item for item in list1 if item not in list2]
return list_difference
def foo():
print("New dive introduced")
def ham():
print("Drive disconnected")
drives = ['%s:' % d for d in dl if os.path.exists('%s:' % d)]
while True:
uncheckeddrives = ['%s:' % d for d in dl if os.path.exists('%s:' % d)]
x = diff(uncheckeddrives, drives)
if x:
print("New drives: " + str(x))
x = diff(drives, uncheckeddrives)
if x:
print("Removed drives: " + str(x))
drives = ['%s:' % d for d in dl if os.path.exists('%s:' % d)]
This code is made for python 3.8 for windows
this is operating system dependent
in linux you can use
for this :https://pyudev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
source code is in http://pyudev.readthedocs.io/en/v0.14/api/monitor.html, see the
functionin windows you can use the WMI ( Windows Management Instrumentation ) like in https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2007/02/24/displaying-usb-devices-using-wmi/ ( Python Read the Device Manager Information ) or a python binding like in https://pypi.python.org/pypi/infi.devicemanager