sealed trait Data
final case class Foo() extends Data
final case class Bar() extends Data
final case class TimestampedData[A <: Data](data: A, timestamp: Long)
Is there a succint way to generate, for example, a Generic.Aux
that will take a
(A, Long)
where A <: Data
and out this Coproduct
TimestampedData[Foo] :+: TimestampedData[Bar] :+: CNil
(Generic.Aux[(A, Long), TimestampedData[Foo] :+: TimestampedData[Bar] :+: CNil]
Unfortunately, since I don't know much generic programming and because of the lack of resources, I haven't tried much. I'm not even sure how to approach this problem.
You can try a method with
patternor a typeclass 1 2 3 4 5 (generally, a more flexible solution than a method although now there seem to be no advantages over a method because there is the only instance of the type class)
In Shapeless there is
but notCoproduct
, so I had to transform on type levelCoproduct
and back.λ[A => ...]
is kind-projector syntax.Mapped
accepts a type constructorF[_]
is upper-boundedF[_ <: Data]
, so I had to use a type lambda with intersection type (with