I want to delete file just after this is downloaded.
I am using .Net Core MVC 6 C# Controlller.
public IActionResult DownloadPDFReport(string fileName)
string appBaseUrl = _webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath;
// concatenating FileName + FileExtension
var fileNameToSave = String.Concat(fileName, ".pdf");
// Combines two strings into a path.
var filepath = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "pdf_files")).Root + $@"\{fileNameToSave}";
var verification = _context.Cases.Where(x => x.Id == fileName).FirstOrDefault();
if (verification == null)
return NotFound();
var doc = _context.EAddress_Documents.Where(x => x.CaseID == fileName).FirstOrDefault();
var reportModel = new ReportViewModel
CaseID = fileName,
ReferenceId = verification.Id,
ApplicantName = "Gopal Sharma",
Address = verification.Address,
ClientName = "EXL Services",
PhoneNumber = "9876543210",
Latitude = verification.Latitude,
Longitude = verification.Longitude,
NearbyLocationImageURL = doc.NearbyLocationImage_FilePath
PdfService.GenerateReport(filepath, reportModel);
string newFileName = verification.ApplicantName + "_" + DateTime.Now + ".pdf";
string filePath = "~/pdf_files/" + fileName + ".pdf";
Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + newFileName + "");
return File(filePath, "application/pdf");
Any help on this ?
I also tried to make an attribue like below. But this is Old MVC Code. This code does not work in .NET Core MVC 6 C#.
public class DeleteFileAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
var filePathResult = filterContext.Result as FilePathResult;
if (filePathResult != null)
Second One--
What I can propose to do is:
You stay the functionality you have as it is and call the method DownloadPDFReport.
After that create an method RemovePDFReport in the same controller with
string filePath
parameter, something like that:3.From client side just call the RemovePDFReport method after DownloadPDFReport and path the built path(you know how to build it on client-side via
new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "pdf_files")).Root + $@"\{fileNameToSave}";