How to define referential-integrity in this scenario for 2 SQL Server tables?

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I have 2 tables in SQL Server 2005 as follows

Table A

  • ActionID (PK,int, not null)
  • ProgressID (uniqueidentifier,not null)
  • ReferID (uniqueidentifier, not null)
  • Field XYZ (varchar(50), not null)
  • Field MNO (tinyint, not null)

Table B

  • TrackID (PK,int, not null)
  • ProgressID (uniqueidentifier,not null)
  • ReferID (uniqueidentifier, not null)
  • Field ABC (varchar(20), not null)
  • Field EFG (datetime, not null)

Now I have a specific question:

The ProgressID in both the tables refer to the same entity. And I want to establish an integral relationship so that Deletion of ProgressID in Table A is not possible when value exisits in Table B. How to do that?


There are 1 answers

Haeflinger On

I would recommend a before delete trigger for this. Something like

create trigger tr_tableA_progressId
on TableA for Delete
    if exists
        (select 'true'
        from dbo.TableB
        where TableB.progressID = (select progressID
                                  from deleted d))

            RAISERROR 'Cannot delete progressId exists in TableB'
            ROLLBACK TRAN

I do not know of a constraint that will enforce what you would like.