To get the incremental build support running correctly in gradle it is required to define the "inputs" and "outputs" in each (custom-) tasks.
That's a very neat way of gradle to check if a task can be skipped cause it is up-to-date or not. Sample:
task myTaskA {
def someOutputDir = file("$buildDir/gen")
// define task outputs (input not required here)
outputs.dir someOutputDir
// generate something into the defined output directory
new File(someOutputDir, "dummy.txt").text = "Gradle sample"
task myTaskB {
// Input of this task is dependent on the output of myTaskA
inputs.files myTaskA
// do something
Yes, that is pretty nice and additionally the good thing is, we do not need to declare a explicit dependency instruction (dependsOn) in task "myTaskB".
dependsOn myTaskA
This directive is not necessary cause we have a implicit dependency defined by the inputs-declaration.
I think it is a good style to provide always a inputs/outputs definition in custom tasks to support incremental builds.
BUT: This also means we can completely ignore the dependsOn.
SO: When should we prefer dependsOn
over inputs/outputs
Maybe if there is no inputs or outputs. Yes, but are there other use cases conceivable? I was always working with dependsOn, and this seams to me as obsolete now. What do you think?