How to define filters in plupload

819 views Asked by At

I use plupload. Plupload allows me to select files which extensions did not defined in settings. For example I can select and upload .rar or .txt files. But I do not define these extensions in filters.

$(".uploadDocs").click(function () 
    //var extensions = $(this).data("ext");

        runtimes: 'html5',
        url: "Upload",
            // Maximum file size
            max_file_size: '10mb',
            // Specify what files to browse for
                { title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png" },
                { title: "Zip files", extensions: "zip" }
        FileUploaded: function (up, file, data) 
            var out = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(data.response));

There are 1 answers

AudioBubble On

I checked my jquery.plupload.queue.js and plupload.full.min.js versions. I work on a template project from themeforest. And I saw that my current .js files versions not up to date. So I updated .js files to the latest version and plupload works well now.