How to define an http4s server as a ZIO ZLayer to be injected and fetched in the main?

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Help me define an http4s using ZLayers. I'm learning and I'm confused. I'd like to factor out the http server as a component. But I don't know how to compose the ZManageds and the the ZLayers so that it would compile.

Also does it makes sense to create a layer that requires a Runtime[ZEnv]? Or does that make more sense to create a layer that requires a ZEnv and generate the runtime for it.

object HttpServer {

  def createHttp4Server: ZManaged[Runtime[ZEnv], Throwable, Server] = 
      ZManaged.accessManaged { implicit runtime: Runtime[ZEnv] =>
          .bindHttp(8080, "localhost")

  def createHttp4Layer: ZLayer[RuntimeLayer, Throwable, Http4ServerLayer] =


object Routes {
  val helloWorldService = ...
package object simple {
  type Http4ServerLayer = Has[ZManaged[Runtime[ZEnv], Throwable, Server]]
  type RuntimeLayer = Has[Runtime[ZEnv]]

I don't know how to access the ZManaged[..., ..., Server] from the Layer in here in the main. I don't understand the access methods completely.

object ItsAren extends App {

  def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = {

    val toProvide: ZIO[Http4ServerLayer, Nothing, ExitCode] =
        .accessM[Http4ServerLayer](_.get.useForever) //compile error

    val runtimeLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, RuntimeLayer]              = ZLayer.succeed(Runtime.default)
    val http4Layer: ZLayer[RuntimeLayer, Throwable, Http4ServerLayer] = HttpServer.createHttp4Layer
    val fullLayer: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Http4ServerLayer]           = runtimeLayer >>> http4Layer

    val provided = toProvide.provideCustomLayer(fullLayer)

    provided //compile error

type mismatch
 found   : ZIO[Runtime[ZEnv], Throwable, Nothing]
 required: ZIO[Http4ServerLayer, ?, ?]

also at the bottom, but that's lower importance

 found   : ZIO[ZEnv, Throwable, ExitCode]
 required: URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode]

Same thing in a PR, feel free to comment


There are 1 answers

Hunor Kovács On

Solution is that a ZLayer when holding a Managed, is a Managed itself. So when something is running on a layer like this, the included Managed will be used through that time. So if you run a ZIO.never on a layer, the server will be kept alive.

To build the layer itself was another trick to use fromManaged. And the createHttp4Server requires a ZEnv only, no point in requiring a Runtime I admit now. ZManaged.runtime is another trick they have for not to use ZManaged.accessManaged { implicit runtime: Runtime[ZEnv] =>.

Full solution

object Main extends App {

  def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = {

    val program: ZIO[Has[Server] with Console, Nothing, Nothing] =

    val httpServerLayer: ZLayer[ZEnv, Throwable, Http4Server] = Http4Server.createHttp4sLayer

      .provideLayer(httpServerLayer ++

import zio._
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.interop.catz.implicits._

import org.http4s.server.Server
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder

object Http4Server {

  type Http4Server = Has[Server]

  def createHttp4Server: ZManaged[ZEnv, Throwable, Server] =
    ZManaged.runtime[ZEnv].flatMap { implicit runtime: Runtime[ZEnv] =>
        .bindHttp(8080, "localhost")

  def createHttp4sLayer: ZLayer[ZEnv, Throwable, Http4Server] =
