How to define a global and absolute path for a QML application?

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In a QML application I'm working one I have templates components files (stored in Templates) that I use in my screens files (stored in Screens). The folder structure is like this :

├── Templates/
│   ├── Buttons/
│   │   ├── ExampleButton.qml //reusable button
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Text/
│   │   └── ExampleText.qml //reusable text
│   └── ...
└── Screens/
    ├── Menu1/
    │   ├── Menu1_Screen1.qml
    │   ├── Menu1_Screen2.qml
    │   └── Menu1_Screen2/ (sub menu with list of sub screens you can access)
    │       ├── Menu1_Screen2_A.qml
    │       ├── Menu1_Screen2_B.qml //screen that uses ExampleButton.qml
    │       └── ...
    └── Menu2/
        └── ...

When I want to include a template folder in a screen to use its templates, I do it with a relative path which makes the header of my QML file look like this :

import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import "../../../../../Templates/Buttons"
import "../../../../../Templates/Text"
import "../../../../../Templates/Pages"
import "../../../../../Templates/Miscellaneous"

Is there a classy way to define a global and absolute path to Templates and use it in my import statement like this ? (without having to use qmldir and define the content of every directory)

import "{$Templates}/Buttons"

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