I need to know when the user decides to close the document he is on, so I found on various sites the "beforeClose" event.
I have 2 problems:
- When I declare it in my ExtendScript file, the 1st time, the event is called 2x (1x when clicking and 1x when the doc is completely closed) is it normal ?
- When I close the extension and reopen it, the event is declared again and is called 1x more (4x instead of 2x) and so on each time I close and reopen the extension. How can I declare the event only once ? Like the events that are declared on the JavaScript side like "documentAfterActivate" ?
Here is how I currently do it in my jsx file :
function main() {
app.addEventListener("beforeClose", detectClose);
function detectClose() {
alert('The document is closed');
Thank you in advance for your help !
Not sure if understand how it's supposed to work, but I see two options. (1) You can check if there already are listener for the same event type and add the new listener only if there are no such listeners:
(2) Or you can remove all listeners (for given event type) beforehand with a function like this: