I am using tess4j to recognize the image file.
Pix pix = Leptonica1.pixRead(image.getPath());
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIInit3(tessBaseAPI, tessDataPath, "eng");
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPISetImage2(tessBaseAPI, pix);
// TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(tessBaseAPI,image.getPath(),"",0,null);
PointerByReference pixa = null;
PointerByReference blockids = null;
Boxa boxa = TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIGetComponentImages(tessBaseAPI, ITessAPI.TessPageIteratorLevel.RIL_TEXTLINE, 1, pixa, blockids);
For multiple page tiff files only the Boxa information in the first page can be returned by TessBaseAPIGetComponentImages().
If I use TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(tessBaseAPI,image.getPath(),"",0,null);
only the last page information can be returned.
So how can I deal with the recognized information page by page for multiple pages?