how to create template for adobe prelude using adobe extension builder

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I am new to adobe extension builder . I want to use adobe extension builder for adobe prelude . I have installed adobe prelude and configured adobe extension builder in spring tool suite as well and i have even created one .zxp file as well but i am not able to use that extension in adobe prelude . This is the link that i followed

And even for me extension option is not enabled in adobe prelude .Click here to view the adobe prelude screen-shot

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ExtensionManifest Version="4.0" ExtensionBundleId="com.example.AdobeDemo" 
    ExtensionBundleName="AdobeDemo" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Extension Id="com.example.AdobeDemo.extension1" Version="1.0" />
        <Host Name="PRLD" Version="[2.0,2.9]" />
        <Locale Code="All" />
        <RequiredRuntime Name="CSXS" Version="4.0" />

    <Extension Id="com.example.AdobeDemo.extension1">
        <DispatchInfo >

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