I was just checking the design guidelines and wondering about the borderless buttons. I goggled and tried to find in the source but can't bring it together by myself. Is this the normal Button widget but you add a custom (Android default) style? How to make these borderless buttons (of course you can set the background to empty, but then I don't have the divider)?
Here links to the design guidelines:
- http://developer.android.com/design/building-blocks/buttons.html
- http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/button.html#Borderless
To clear some confusion:
This is done in 2 steps: Setting the button background attribute to android:attr/selectableItemBackground creates you a button with feedback but no background.
The line to divide the borderless button from the rest of you layout is done by a view with the background android:attr/dividerVertical
For a better understanding here is a layout for a OK / Cancel borderless button combination at the bottom of your screen (like in the right picture above).