How to create recycler view in Compose Jetpack?

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Is there any special way to create recyclerView in Compose Jetpack? Or it is the same as usual?


There are 7 answers

Gabriele Mariotti On BEST ANSWER

Update March 2021: Starting from 1.0.0-beta01

For example:

fun LazyRowItemsDemo() {
    LazyRow {
        items((1..1000).toList()) {
            Text(text = "Item $it")
Halil Ibrahim Ozercan On

Even further update for the new comers. As of 0.1.0-dev14, AdapterList is deprecated in favor of LazyColumnItems and LazyRowItems.

Anas Mehar On

In jetnews sample project for list/recyclerview they are using VerticalScroller with Column and using forEach to populate items below @Composable function is example

private fun TabWithTopics(tabname: String, topics: List<String>) {
    VerticalScroller {
        Column {
            topics.forEach { topic ->
                        "- ",
                    ), topic

For class and method check this link

For more information you can download/clone jetnews sample from check here's link

For latest Jetpack alpha release update the below:

fun LazyRowItemsDemo() {
    LazyRowFor(items = (1..1000).toList()) {
        Text(text = "Item $it")
  1. LazyColumnFor for a vertical list
  2. LazyRowFor for a horizontal list

Hope it's helpful for you.

d-feverx On

This is a sample code that uses AdapterList for implementing recylcerview in compose

fun Feeds(feeds:LiveData<List<Feed>>) {
    val mFeeds by feeds.observeAsState(emptyList())
    AdapterList(data = feeds){feed->
Piotr Wittchen On

Examples from JetNews app have static data. It's worth to mention that according to the recent Google presentation (see especially from 18:30), we should consider ScrollingList, which is intended for list with undefined number of elements (e.g. downloaded from the web), what was traditionally handled by RecyclerView. Then, it should look like this:

fun NewsFeed(stories: List<StoryData>) {
  ScrollingList(stories) { story ->

or we can do similar thing with LiveData or RxJava Observable/Flowable:

fun NewsFeed(stories: LiveData<List<StoryData>>) {
  ScrollingList(stories.observe()) { story ->

In such case, we are re-using StoryWidget (or any other widget of our choice) in the every step of the iteration with data emitted dynamically through the lambda expression.

Nurseyit Tursunkulov On

According to this article there is new version:

fun <T> AdapterList(
 data: List<T>,
 modifier: Modifier = Modifier.None,
  itemCallback: @Composable() (T) -> Unit

 fun Scrollable(
dragDirection: DragDirection,
scrollableState: ScrollableState,
onScrollStarted: (startedPosition: PxPosition) -> Unit = {},
onScrollStopped: (velocity: Float) -> Unit = {},
enabled: Boolean = true,
children: @Composable() () -> Unit

    data = (1..20).map { it }.toList()
) {
    if (it % 2 == 0) {
        Text("$it Even", style = TextStyle(fontSize = 40.sp, color = 
    } else {
        Text(text = "$it Odd", style = TextStyle(fontSize = 70.sp))
Mariano Zorrilla On

UPDATED and current implementation at dev06 Jetpack Compose uses AdapterList and you could use the simple example included by Nurseyit Tursunkulov and I can share a more complex (real case scenario use):

  • Your List<Any> must be "compose aware" and the current one available for that is ModelList<Any>
  • You can create a model using @Model tag as those change the state, and your @Compososable function will be aware (using a MutableList)

Example Code:

fun addLogic(modelList: ModelList<MyModel>) {
  modelList.add(MyModel("Smith John", 10))

class MyModel(var name: String, var index: Int)

fun RecycledList() { // Any name you want
  val modelList<MyModel> = modelListOf()
  var counter = 0


  modelList.add(MyModel("John Doe", 99))

  MaterialTheme {
    Column {
      Container(height = 70.dp) {
         Align(alignment = Alignment.Center) {
            Button(onClick = { 
               modelList.add(MyModel("John Smith", counter++))
               // Any other logic you want
            }) {
               Text("ADD ITEM")
      AdapterList(data = modelList) { item ->
         Center {
            Text("Hello ${} - Index: ${item.index}")

