we call Mac PackageMaker from an Ant script, to build our product installation package.
I would like to pass a parameter 'productConfiguration', that will direct the package to include or exclude certain components, e.g. in order to create a smaller Trial version package.
What is the correct way to achieve that?
In Windows we use InstallShield's Features, Conditions, Release Flags, Configuration Flags. Are there similar concepts in PackageMaker?)
Where is the documentation of pkmkdoc spec 1.12?
The only way I can think of, is to generate [some of] the xml files inside the install.pmdoc smart folder, using templates. But it looks very inelegant to me.
Packagemaker doesn't contain a lot of sophisticated features for things like this. I would suggest tweaking the ant script by creating a separate build target that builds the trial installer. This target can customize both the files included and the PackageMaker parameters.