How to create network graph or hierarchical tree using visjs in angularjs?

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I need some help in creating a network graph using visjs in angularjs. I am working on this plunker to achieve something like this

I followed the steps mentioned in AngularJS - visjs but was unable to make it work so I created a plunker (given above) to get help from community.

Controller code.

var app = angular.module('app', ['ngVis']);

app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'VisDataSet',

  function($scope, VisDataSet) {
      $ = VisDataSet({
          "1": {
              "id": 1,
              "content": "<i class=\"fi-flag\"></i> item 1",
              "start": "2014-09-01T17:59:13.706Z",
              "className": "magenta",
              "type": "box"
          "2": {
              "id": 2,
              "content": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
              "start": "2014-09-02T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "box"
          "3": {
              "id": 3,
              "content": "item 3",
              "start": "2014-08-29T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "box"
          "4": {
              "id": 4,
              "content": "item 4",
              "start": "2014-09-01T17:59:13.706Z",
              "end": "2014-09-03T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "range"
          "5": {
              "id": 5,
              "content": "item 5",
              "start": "2014-08-30T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "point"
          "6": {
              "id": 6,
              "content": "item 6",
              "start": "2014-09-04T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "point"
          "7": {
              "id": 7,
              "content": "<i class=\"fi-anchor\"></i> item 7",
              "start": "2014-08-28T17:59:13.706Z",
              "end": "2014-08-29T17:59:13.706Z",
              "type": "range",
              "className": "orange"
      $scope.options = {
          "align": "center",
          "autoResize": true,
          "editable": true,
          "selectable": true,
          "orientation": "bottom",
          "showCurrentTime": true,
          "showCustomTime": true,
          "showMajorLabels": true,
          "showMinorLabels": true

Please help me in figuring out the problem in this plunker


There are 1 answers


I saw a few issues. First, you were including your css files as scripts instead of as stylesheets. So use this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

Second if you take a look at angular-vis.js, you'll see that the directive should actually be vis-timeline. So I just changed it to this in the html:

<vis-timeline data="data" options="options"></vis-timeline>

I removed the events attribute because that wasn't defined on your scope, but I assume you can look at the visjs documentation to see what should go there.

See the revised plunker for the whole fix.