I'm creating a webapp that uses geojson data. I want to store this data in MongoDB Atlas and access it through a MongoDB Realm. I followed the official MongoDB Documentation. The problem is that when I create a schema for my collection, the automatically generated GraphQL API doesn't recognize nested arrays. I'm relatively new to MongoDB, so I'm not sure if this is a problem related to MongoDB or GraphQL.
The schema for my collection (reduced for simplicity) is:
"title": "test",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"bsonType": "objectId"
"coords": {
"bsonType": "array",
"items": {
"bsonType": "array",
"minItems": 2,
"maxItems": 2,
"items": {
"bsonType": "number"
It's just an array of arrays. Creating this schema gives no error. I can even validate the schema against documents and they pass. However, when I try to query them with GraphQL, I get the following warning:
Warning: JSON Schema could not be fully translated to a GraphQL schema. Some rules/fields were ignored.
error processing "type" property in JSON Schema
As a result, GraphQL ignores the "coords" property and I am unable to query it.