How to create hierarchy in puppet

122 views Asked by At

Sorry for the trouble but I understood the use-case wrong the new use-case is as follows:

        /            \
      Program       Data
     /    |         |      \
   Java Python    MySQL   DB
   / |     \       /     / |
   A B     C       D     E F

Imagine all these are manifest files including common, program .....E, F

Now if I have a server which caters to A,Java progam,then we run the A manifest, however if it is of the type 'z' Java program, then it will run the Java manifest file as the 'z' mainfest file of type Java doesn't exist.

Therefore it will look for the most specific file and make it's way up the heirachy until it finds something that it can run. If nothing matches, it runs the common manifest file.

I was thinking of using if, else if and else statements withing one manifest file for all the instructions.

Is there any other way to achieve this?


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