I am trying to create transparent child window.
procedure TForm1.BtnGoClick(Sender: TObject);
BitmapPos: TPoint;
BitmapSize: TSIZE;
BlendFunction: _BLENDFUNCTION;
exStyle: Cardinal;
bmp := TBitmap.Create;
exStyle := GetWindowLongA(Form2.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
if (exStyle and WS_EX_LAYERED = 0) then
SetWindowLong(Form2.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle or WS_EX_LAYERED);
BitmapPos := Point(0, 0);
BitmapSize.cx := bmp.Width;
BitmapSize.cy := bmp.Height;
BlendFunction.BlendOp := AC_SRC_OVER;
BlendFunction.BlendFlags := 0;
BlendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha := 200;
BlendFunction.AlphaFormat := AC_SRC_ALPHA;
UpdateLayeredWindow(Form2.Handle, 0, nil, @BitmapSize, bmp.Canvas.Handle, @BitmapPos, 0, @BlendFunction, ULW_ALPHA);
Windows.SetParent(Form2.Handle, Form1.Handle);
It almost works: Form2 become nice transparent window inside Form1. But it looks like Form2 does not move with Form1. When i move Form1, Form2-Window moves, but on screen i see it when it was. When Form1 is moved i cant click on Form2, clicks goes through, so i know window was moved.
So question is how to make child transparent window without these features? (just normal window that moves with it's parrent)
You need to call UpdateLayeredWindow after each move or resize of your Form2. Or you can replace it with TCustomTransparentControl descendant.