How to create an Option dialog in Scala

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I've been trying to create an Option dialog that isn't limited to two or three choices (Option.YesNo or Option.YesNoCancel), but I've been unable to find a way to use anything but these built-in options. Specifically, the following refuses to accept anything that I can put for optionType:

    object Choices extends Enumeration {
      type Choice = Value
      val red, yellow, green, blue = Value
        val options = List("Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue")
        label.text = showOptions(null,
                    "What is your favorite color?",
                    "Color preference",
                    optionType = Choices.Value,
                    entries = options, 
                    initial = 2) match {
          case => "Red"
          case Choice.yellow => "Yellow"
          case => "Green"
          case => "Blue"
          case _ => "Some other color"

There are 2 answers

0__ On

Yes, it's one of the many design bugs in Scala-Swing. You can write your own showOptions method:

import swing._
import Swing._
import javax.swing.{UIManager, JOptionPane, Icon}

def showOptions[A <: Enumeration](
                parent: Component = null, 
                message: Any, 
                title: String = UIManager.getString("OptionPane.titleText"),  
                messageType: Dialog.Message.Value = Dialog.Message.Question, 
                icon: Icon = EmptyIcon, 
                entries: A,
                initial: A#Value): Option[A#Value] = {
  val r = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
                  if (parent == null) null else parent.peer,  message, title, 0, 
        , Swing.wrapIcon(icon),  
                  entries.values.toArray[AnyRef], initial)
  if (r < 0) None else Some(entries(r))

val res = showOptions(message = "Color", entries = Choices, initial =

If you want to pass in strings instead, change to entries: Seq[Any], initial: Int, use entries(initial) in the call, and just return r of Int.

Robin Green On

optionType isn't for passing in a Scala type, and actually I'm not sure what its purpose is in this API. But you can just set optionType = Options.YesNoCancel, and that should work, I think.