I'm developing L2_learning module of pox for my controller.The skeleton of my code is:
class LearningSwitch (object):
def __init__ (self, connection, transparent):
self.connection = connection
self.transparent = transparent
def flowtable_request (self):
for connection in core.openflow._connections.values():
log.info("Sent %i flow/port stats request(s)",len(core.openflow._connections))
def _handle_flowstats_received(self,event):
def _handle_PacketIn (self, event):
class l2_learning (object):
def __init__ (self, transparent):
self.transparent = transparent
def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):
log.debug("Connection %s" % (event.connection,))
LearningSwitch(event.connection, self.transparent)
def launch (transparent=False, hold_down=_flood_delay):
Starts an L2 learning switch.
global _flood_delay
_flood_delay = int(str(hold_down), 10)
assert _flood_delay >= 0
raise RuntimeError("Expected hold-down to be a number")
core.registerNew(l2_learning, str_to_bool(transparent))
I call the "flowtable_request (self)" function,somewhere in the code.I know that inorder that the " _handle_flowstats_received(self,event)" function works properly, i should add these 2 lines to the end of my code:
core.openflow.addListenerByName("FlowStatsReceived", c._handle_flowstats_received)
but i don't know how to create an instance of the LearningSwitch class! what values i should pass to the "connection" and "transparent" arguments?
Any help would be appreciated.