How to create abaqus model using script according to joints directly

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I'm working on a transformer which can transform the sap2000 model to Abaqus model, and this can finish the work like modeling, add boundary, add load and so on.

There are beam elements and shell elements in my model.

1.At first, I read the .s2k file, and I use myPart.Element(...) function to create beam element or shell element.(myPart = mdb.models['Model-1'].Part(name='structure')). So my model consists of elements only.

this is my modeling result, you can see I only have elements in the model

enter image description here

2.And in this way, I can calculate normal structures, but my question is: If the structure has to prestress, I want to add minus temperature to the specified frame to simulate prestressing. But as step 1 said, the model only has elements, and PredefinedFiled in Load Module can't add temperature on elements......

3.So my idea now is to create faces and lines according to the joints they belong(i.e. not create elements directly), but I can't find functions in abaqus scripting reference guide......

So can anyone help? Thanks, all!!


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