How to create a SP (service provider) for SSO (Single Sign-on) for node app?

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So I was trying to do a POC on SSO using gbraad/passport-saml-example which is not working as apparently IDp for the app stopped providing. Being a newbie in this, I have so many question, it be awesome if someone can help me answering them. 1. Is something wrong in the code? 2. If nothing is wrong, how do I test it? I mean, is there another IDp we can try 3. How can we use saml2-js? Is there any working copy I can refer to?


There are 1 answers

user8346541 On

What you want is there but as you see, the service provider is not specified, cause that link doesn't get called with a redirect binding from a trusted SAML Service Provider.

1.) not sure, I am looking for a SAMLv2 service provider solution myself (as an alternative to working Shibboleth SP I have set up) and came across this question. 2.) I did notice when looking at the repository you mentioned that it's using a different Identity Provider than the one I tested my Shibboleth Service provider on. So, if you need a working Identity Provider, look here. That is maintained by the people who maintain Shibboleth I believe. 3.) I am going to dive into the saml2-js with what I know about Service Providers and see if I can get it going.

My main objective for not using the Shibboleth modules for Apache or IIS is, I don't know how to get hold of the attributes without scraping. Hoping the express solution will be easier to understand and stand up quickly, while meeting other important requirements.