How to create a simple mesh in Blender 2.50 via the Python API

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I would like to create a simple mesh in Blender (2.50) via the Python API but the examples from the API documentation don't work yet.

I tried the following but it's from API 2.49

   from Blender import *
   import bpy

   editmode = Window.EditMode()    # are we in edit mode?  If so ...
   if editmode: Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before getting the mesh

   # define vertices and faces for a pyramid
   coords=[ [-1,-1,-1], [1,-1,-1], [1,1,-1], [-1,1,-1], [0,0,1] ]  
   faces= [ [3,2,1,0], [0,1,4], [1,2,4], [2,3,4], [3,0,4] ]

   me ='myMesh')          # create a new mesh

   me.verts.extend(coords)          # add vertices to mesh
   me.faces.extend(faces)           # add faces to the mesh (also adds edges)

   me.vertexColors = 1              # enable vertex colors 
   me.faces[1].col[0].r = 255       # make each vertex a different color
   me.faces[1].col[1].g = 255
   me.faces[1].col[2].b = 255

   scn =     # link object to current scene
   ob =, 'myObj')

   if editmode: Window.EditMode(1)  # optional, just being nice

This does not work because the mesh object doesn't have any faces or verts members.

Are there any options to do this?


There are 2 answers


Try this documentation for the 2.5x API. I understand that despite the big warnings at the top, the most used sections are fairly stable now. I've not tried it yet.


I think the relevant bit is this section - it seems you create a list of vertices faces etc. and pass it to this. This seems to have changed from the most recent examples I can find. Try looking in your scripts folder - there might be an example there that you can look at.

EDIT 2: I have updated the link to point to the current live docs. The notes there suggest that there are probably better ways of doing this now but it is a long time since I have done any blender scripting so can't help more.

guerda On

Thanks to neil, I found the following section from the documentation:

Scripts for Blender 2.50 - Add Mesh Scripts

I will try the following script and report my results:

Add Solid Object Mesh