I was looking at Zoho CRM API (https://www.zoho.com/crm/help/api/insertrecords.html#Insert_records_into_Zoho_CRM_from_third-party_applications) and there is a method called insertRecords. But I have no idea how should I use to really create a method. Even though there is an example there, I just cant seem to understand it. Should I create a script (with php or python) to handle it? How do I run their example code??
Example of insertRecords usage that they show on their API:
&authtoken=Auth Token
<row no="1">
<FL val="Lead Source">Web Download</FL>
<FL val="Company">Your Company</FL>
<FL val="First Name">Hannah</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Smith</FL>
<FL val="Email">[email protected]</FL>
<FL val="Title">Manager</FL>
<FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL>
<FL val="Home Phone">0987654321</FL>
<FL val="Other Phone">1212211212</FL>
<FL val="Fax">02927272626</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL>
I do know how to fill this fields like Authtoken and others, but I do not know how can I use this piece of code to generate a new record.
Yes, create a script. PHP and Python are good options. Also Curl is a good option.
The following are good PHP examples to base your implementation on:
Bolii's function
public function postData()
Digant Shah's example at:
Zoho CRM also has a Json alternative that can be used instead of Xml.
Here is the link to the documentation, which provides a good example.
Zoho CRM insertRecords API for Json