How to create a custom made function instance of Eq and Ord

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I've implemented a normalisation function normaliseRat :: Rat -> Rat for rational numbers so that all of Rat 2 4, Rat (-1) (-2) and Rat 1 2 are transformed into the same internal representation. Furthermore, implemented a function createRat :: Integer -> Integer -> Rat that, given two Integers, returns a normalised Rat. Note: I used the Prelude that contains a function gcd to compute the greatest common divisor of two integers.

gcd' :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
gcd' a b = if b == 0 then a else gcd' b (a `mod` b)

data Rat = Rat Integer Integer

normaliseRat :: Rat -> Rat
normaliseRat (Rat num den) =
    let commonDivisor = gcd' (abs num) (abs den)
        num' = num `div` commonDivisor
        den' = den `div` commonDivisor
    in Rat (if den < 0 then (-num') else num') (abs den')

createRat :: Integer -> Integer -> Rat
createRat num den = normaliseRat (Rat num den)

-- Adding the Show instance for Rat
instance Show Rat where
    show (Rat num den) = show num ++ "/" ++ show den

This program is giving the expected result. Like:

ghci>createRat 2 4
ghci> rat1

Now I want to make Rat an instance of Eq and Ord. Of course, Rat 2 4 == Rat 1 2 should evaluate to True.


There are 2 answers

willeM_ Van Onsem On

We know that two fractions a/b and c/d are equal if a×d = c×b (given the denominators are not zero), so we can implement the Eq instance as:

instance Eq Rat where
    Rat a b == Rat c d = a * d == b * c

I leave the instance of Ord as an exercise. This will be more complicated, since the denominators can be negative as well.

Daniel Wagner On

One option is to ensure that Rat 2 4 is not a value that can be constructed. Do this by only exposing the part of the API that preserves normalization. For example:

module Rat (
    Rat, -- expose the type, but not the data constructor
         -- (compare an export of Rat(Rat) or Rat(..) which would export both)

-- because rationals are always created already-reduced, the
-- derived Eq instance is good enough
data Rat = Rat Integer Integer deriving Eq

createRat :: Integer -> Integer -> Rat
createRat = undefined

-- reduction isn't enough if you want the usual ordering on
-- rationals, so we need to implement this one ourselves
instance Ord Rat where compare (Rat n d) (Rat n' d') = undefined

This is a fairly standard technique, and you can find more resources using "smart constructor" as a search term.

As an aside, I would recommend deriving your Show instance. If you'd like a way to show rationals that is prettier, export a function specifically for that, named showRat or similar. This, too, is a common practice.