How to count nodes for child item having same date

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I have Xml structures coming like this below. I will have to count the installations on the same date and list them. So I will have to find count by InstallDate and return in XQuery to be used in Marklogic query.


There are 2 answers

Fiona Chen On

If you wish to group, count and list the Installation by date in MarkLogic server, see below MarkLogic XQuery dialect:

for $d in distinct-values(doc()//InstallDate)
let $i := doc()//Installation[InstallDate = $d]
order by $d
return <Installations Date="{$d}" Count="{count($i)}">
for $install in $i
return $install

In a transaction-driven environment, you should utilise MarkLogic performant search engine:

for $vt in cts:value-tuples(
    (cts:element-reference(xs:QName( 'InstallDate'))
return "Installation on " || $vt[1] || " total count: " || cts:frequency($vt) 
BenW On

It's pretty straightforward even in XQuery 1.0

let $installations := $xml/PcDetail/Installations/Installation

for $date in fn:distinct-values($installations/InstallDate)
let $installationsOnDate := $installations[InstallDate = $date]
let $c := count($installationsOnDate)
return $date || ':' || $c || ':' || string-join($installationsOnDate/type,', ')