I have just been starting in Cesium, and I have been trying to plot pushed data. To do this, I have been displaying the track with a billboard and the historical info with a polyline. However, in some instances, the polylines remain on the viewer even though the entity has been removed.
In order to create/update the entity I call ( where track is an object containing the state information for a spesific track, and position is a Cartesian3 object)
function updateTrack(track, position) {
var entity = map.entities.getById(track.id);
if (Cesium.defined(entity)) {
entity.billboard.show = (track.curr && showTracks);
entity.position = position;
var heading = Math.atan2(track.vy, track.vx);
entity.billboard.rotation = heading - Math.PI / 2;
var polyLineposs = entity.polyline.positions._value;
entity.polyline.positions = polyLineposs;
entity.polyline.show = showTrails;
else {
var heading = Math.atan2(track.vy, track.vx);
map.entities.add(new Cesium.Entity({
id: track.id,
position: position,
parent: trackEntity_parent,
billboard: { image: trackIconHref, scale: 0.1, rotation: (heading - Math.PI / 2), show: showTracks },
polyline: { width: 5, material: trailMaterial, positions: [position], show: showTrails }
The remove function is as follows:
function removeTracksAndTrails(oldTracks) {
//remove any outdated tracks and trails
for (var i = 0; i < oldTracks.length; i++) {
var trackToRemove = map.entities.getById(oldTracks[i]);
//trackToRemove.polyline = undefined;
I have also read a suggestion in another post, however, this looks like a far more complicated solution with the integration of timing necessary. Is this approach recommended as apposed to the straightforward polyline?
Update: It would appear that this only occurs when "trailMaterial" is a PolylineOutlineMaterialProperty, i.e. when the material is a Cesium.Color object the issue no longer occurs.