I want to copy images/files to clipboard. I have googled it but i didn't find any alternative/suggestion to this. but i have seen some app's done in app store. want to know how can we achieve this.
Any one please help me OR give me some suggestions?
i found this link but now clue how to achieve this functionality.
Android ClipData.Item supports only Text & Uri. So you can't acheive copying of image data over clipboard.
One possible solution can be to save image data in some sort of Storage and copy Content URI of the same. However this will not make life easier for you, as data copied will be available to all editors which can get data from ClipboardManager, They might not know how to handle this type of Data.
If you want to copy/paste in your apps, then i will suggest you to write your own version of ClipboardManager and do whatever you want :)