I am writing C++ code to load model and inference, the saved model is float32, I need to convert it to half precision just like:
model = torch.jit.load(model_path)
seems that torch C++ doesn't have any corresponding api to do "module.half". And python module.half iterates all parameters and buffers, convert to half for floating point tensors. And torch::jit::Module has named_parameters() and named_buffer(), but it's not allowed to change the tensors, also torch::jit::Module provides apply and register_parameter apis, tried the following code:
auto model = torch::jit::load(model_path)
model.appy([&](torch::jit::Module& module) {
for (auto x : module.named_parameters(false)) {
if (x.value.is_floating_point()) {
module.register_parameter(x.name, x.value.to(torch::kHalf), false);
for (auto x : module.named_buffers(false)) {
if (x.value.is_floating_point()) {
module.register_parameter(x.name, x.value.to(torch::kHalf), true);
Above code passes compilation and running, I also checked the dtype everything is good. But after moving model to GPU by model.to(device), the forward fails with "RuntimeError: Input and parameter tensors are not at the same device, found input tensor at cuda:0 and parameter tensor at cpu". Everything is perfect if float32.
So, what's the correct way to convert module to half using C++?
After reading the torch source code, I found the following solution, post here in case someone else has the same issue: