I have NSInputStream and NSOutputStream from this code
var readStream: Unmanaged<CFReadStream>?
var writeStream: Unmanaged<CFWriteStream>?
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket(kCFAllocatorDefault, sslSocket!, &readStream, &writeStream)
if readStream != nil && writeStream != nil {
CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream!.takeUnretainedValue(), kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue)
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(writeStream!.takeUnretainedValue(), kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket, kCFBooleanTrue)
inputStream = readStream!.takeRetainedValue()
outputStream = writeStream!.takeRetainedValue()
// Create strong delegate reference to stop ARC deallocating the object
inputDelegate = self
outputDelegate = self
// Now that we have a strong reference, assign the object to the stream delegates
inputStream!.delegate = inputDelegate
outputStream!.delegate = outputDelegate
// Schedule our run loops. This is needed so that we can recieve NSStreamEvents
inputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
outputStream!.scheduleInRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
Issue: How do I convert those stream to SSL after it was opened ?
I tried following, but I get NSOSStatusErrorDomain
The operation couldn't be completed. (OSStatus error -9801)
if (sslEnable) {
let sslSettings = [
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain): kCFBooleanFalse,
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLPeerName): kCFNull,
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLIsServer): kCFBooleanTrue,
CFReadStreamSetProperty(inputStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, sslSettings)
CFWriteStreamSetProperty(outputStream, kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings, sslSettings)
This is the error for
in theSecurity
framework-9801 The cipher suite negotiation failed.
Maybe the server that you are trying to connect to has a really old SSL implementation or your server cipher suite configuration doesn't match the phone's configuration.