How to construct a matrix from selected columns of a 3D array?

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I have a 3D GPU array A with dimensions K x M x N and an int vector v of length M and want to construct 2D GPU arrays of the form

X = [A(:,1,v(1)), A(:,2,v(2)),..., A(:,M,v(M))] (depending on v)

in the most time-efficient way. Since all these are GPU arrays, I was wondering if there is a faster way to accomplish this than pre-allocating X and using the obvious for loop. My code needs to invoke several millions of these instances, so this becomes quite the bottleneck. Typical oders of magnitude would be K = 350 000, 2<=M<=15, N<=2000, if that matters.

EDIT: Here is a minimal working version of the original bottleneck code I am trying to improve. Conversion to the 3D array A has been commented out. Adjust the array size parameters as you see fit.

% generate test data:
K = 4000; M = 2; % N = 100

A_cell = cell(1,M);
s = zeros(1,M,'uint16');
for m=1:M
    s(m) = m*50; % defines some widths for the matrices in the cells
    A_cell{m} = cast(randi([0 1],K,s(m),'gpuArray'),'logical');
N = max(s,[],2);

% % A_cell can be replaced by a 3D array A of dimensions K x M x N:
% A = true(K,M,N,'gpuArray');
% for m=1:M
%     A(:,m,1:s(m)) = permute(A_cell{m},[1 3 2]);
% end

% bottleneck code starts here and has M = 2 nested loops:
I_true = true(K,1,'gpuArray');
I_01 = false(K,1,'gpuArray');
I_02 = false(K,1,'gpuArray');

for j_1=1:s(1)
    for j_2=1:s(2)

        v = [j_1,j_2];

        I_tmp = I_true;

        for m=1:M
            I_tmp = I_tmp & A_cell{m}(:,v(m));

        I_02 = I_02 | I_tmp;

    I_01 = I_01 | I_02;

Out = gather(I_01);

% A_cell can be replaced by 3D array A above

There are 2 answers


MATLAB allows you to index multiple dimensions at once. This allows you to give a linear indexing vector h which indexes both the second and third dimension at the same time:

% Some example data

Further reading: Linear indexing, logical indexing, and all that

M.G. On

Regarding the code I posted above, it turns out to be faster to use a 2D gpuAarray instead of a 3D gpuArray in place of the cell. This allows for a very straighforward selection of the columns and vectorization of the farthest inside loop. More precisely:

% generate test data:
K = 4000; M = 2;

A_cell = cell(1,M); % this is given externally
s = zeros(1,M,'uint16');
for m=1:M
    s(m) = m*50; % defines some widths for the matrices in the cells
    A_cell{m} = cast(randi([0 1],K,s(m)),'logical'); % cell2mat doesn't work with cells of gpuArrays

% conversion of A_cell into an appropriate 2D array is straightforward:
A_hor = gpuArray(cell2mat(A_cell)); % horizontal concatenation of the cells

% bottleneck code starts here and has M = 2 nested loops:
I_01 = false(K,1,'gpuArray');
I_02 = false(K,1,'gpuArray');

t = [1,s]; t = t(1:M); % vector of the starting indices of the old matrices inside A_hor

for j_1=1:s(1)
    for j_2=1:s(2)

        j = [j_1,j_2];

        k = t-1+j; % vector of the positions of the needed columns

        I_02 = I_02 | all(A_hor(:,k),2);

    I_01 = I_01 | I_02;

Out = gather(I_01);