how to connect to multiple hdfs clusters from external application

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i am trying to connect to multiple hdfs clusters from external application running on kubernetes to acess hdfs data across systems. I am able to connect to one hdfs cluster by copying the krb5.conf and hive-site.xml,hdfs-site.xml and other config files.

    <!--Autogenerated by Cloudera Manager-->


    ated by Cloudera Manager-->

Now i can connect to this cluster and read the hdfs file

val dfCluster1 ="avro").load("/cluster1/folder1");

Now i want to connect to the second hdfs cluster and read the contents. I have the hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml from the second cluster but how do i make spark understand that i need to connect to the second cluster since i can have only one hive-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml in the classpath.


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