How to connect to MailServer using JavaMail

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I am using JAMES (Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server) as a mail server, and i am aiming to develop an enterprise java mailing system using Java-mail and JAF APIs on a local mail server.

For instance, i have made a simple application for test, i used the pop3 protocol to send/receive messages between clients and everything was OK. The problem which occurred is that i want to view the sent/ deleted/ trash emails for each client which is not available in pop3 protocol. I have to use IMAP in stead. But actually, the connection to the server using IMAP protocol is not working !!

this is a sample of the code :

public class Mailer{

@Resource(name = "mail/JavaMailSession")
private Session session

private Message[] messages;

private Message [] outboxContent(String email,String pass){
  IMAPStore store = null;
  IMAPFolder outbox = null;
  store = (IMAPStore) session.getStore("imaps");
  outbox = (IMAPFolder) store.getFolder("sent-items");

The exception is being thrown at :


The exception being thrown is :

 java.mail.MessagingException : Connection refused : connect;
 nested exception is : Connection refused : connect

Anybody has idea about the sollution ? Thanks in advance


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