How to connect to custom namespace websockets running with FastAPI + gunicorn which runs on a domain subpath?

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So I have a FastAPI app which is integrated with socketIO like so The mantainer of python-socketio is pretty keen on this implementation.

Now we have multiple backend apps running on the same domain so my FastAPI app runs on I have mounted the socketio app on the same level as my FastAPI app and so it should be available to connect at

Now I have multiple namespaces within this socketio app and I want to connect to one of the namespaces from my React frontend. So essentially I want to connect to

Now I am not able to make this connection using my js socketio client instance. When I do the following

const socket = io(, {
  path: '/fast-api-app/',
  autoConnect: false,
  transports: ['websocket']

This ends up returning the socket instance connect to the '/' instance which I do not want as all of my custom logic is in ns-1.

When I run my FastAPI app locally, I am able to connect to my namespace like so

const wsHost = 'http://localhost:8000'
const wsPath = '/ns-1'

const manager = new Manager(wsHost, {
  reconnectionDelayMax: 10000,
  transports: ['websocket'],
  autoConnect: false

const socket = manager.socket(wsPath);

But the same thing gives me an error when I do the following

const wsHost = ''
const wsPath = '/fast-api-app/ns-1'

const manager = new Manager(wsHost, {
  reconnectionDelayMax: 10000,
  transports: ['websocket'],
  autoConnect: false

const socket = manager.socket(wsPath);

Please any help would be appreciated, I have tried many other methods including using the Manager class but I am only able to connect to my default namespace and once the socket is returned I have no way of switching namespaces.


There are 1 answers

sidhant jain On

Seems very unintuitive but the answer posted here : Connect to Socket.IO server with specific path and namespace seems to work somehow.

Essentially what worked in my case was :

const socket = io('', { path:'/fast-api-app/', transports: ['websocket'], autoConnect: false });