How to configure Tomcat 9 to load file from catalina.home when catalina.base is a different path?

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I upgraded from Tomcat 8.5 to Tomcat 9 and the value I used in 8.5 for the catalina.config property is no longer working.

In Tomcat 8.5 I am able to specify a path to the "" file by using the catalina.config property. In Tomcat 8.5 the catalina.config property only accepts a URL as the path to the file: (

catalina.config --> The URL for the configuration file.

However, in Tomcat 9 there was an adjustment made to the values that catalina.config accepts:

Bug 48543 - [Patch] More flexibility in specifying -Dcatalina.config

and the property description has been update in Tomcat 9 to say: (

catalina.config --> The location from which to load the configuration file. This may be an absolute URL, a relative (to the current working directory) URL or an alternative file name in which case Tomcat will attempt to load the file from the default location of $CATALINA_BASE/conf/.

My Tomcat 8.5 configuration that works: (catalina.base changes depending on which application is "launched")

-Dcatalina.home=c:\Program Files\myProgram
-Dcatalina.base=c:\Program Files\myProgram\mySubProgram
-Dcatalina.config=file://c:/Program Files/myProgram/conf/

After upgrading to Tomcat 9, the file is no longer being loaded by using the path specified by the catalina.config property.

I have tried several variations of paths, URLs and filenames in the catalina.config property, but haven't been successful in getting Tomcat to load the file from anywhere other than $catalina.home\conf

Things I have tried without any success: (catalina.base and catalina.home are using the values mentioned above)

FAILED: an absolute URL

-Dcatalina.config=file://c:/Program Files/myProgram/conf/
-Dcatalina.config=file://c:/Program Files/myProgram/conf/

FAILED: a relative (to the current working directory) URL


WORKS AS DOCUMENTED (but can't be used to load from anywhere other than $catalina.home\conf)

At this point, I am at a loss. I am unsure if there is a bug I need to report to Tomcat or if I am just not specifying the value properly. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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