We are using ourname.azureiotcentral.com/ and ReadyApi 3.5.0
An access token we created on the azureiotcentral website looks like this:
SharedAccessSignature sr=739023aa-a2d4-4cc1-8044-0447586f622a&sig=teSPECIMENmawBMI0QUA5b%2BJ%2BDdhuie7JSTA%2BggltI0E%3D&skn=specimen&se=1635585779999
Now back in ReadyApi, which one do we choose as authentication?
next question is: and how do you know which one to choose? https://learn.microsoft.com/nl-nl/rest/api/iotcentral/devices/getcredentials
asuming it is ... OAuth 2.0 (Azure)
Then how do you know the profile name?
and is the token started from the SharedAccess part or before the sr= or only the part after the sr=? and why is there a spacebar in the token? (in short: how to format?)
I tried this:
But then the respons is something with cookies. How do I know what browser is tested/tried?
(today: A colleague told me he thought it was the bearer option)
According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/manage-iot-central-apps-with-rest-api/3-exercise-authorize-api, the shared access signature goes in the "Authorization" header as-is without the "Bearer" prefix. I'm not sure what option that corresponds to in ReadyApi, but it might be easier to remove the authentication option and just add it manually as a header named "Authorization".