referring to the question about fundamental matrix,If I had a stereo pair (2 jpeg) and I want to apply Peter Kovesi's or Zisserman's function on order to obtain F, how can I retrieve P1 and P2 ? these two matrices are 3x4 matrices from the two images, but I don't know how they are related... is it right if I take a random 3x4 matrix from grayscale first image and the corrispondent 3x4 matrix in the second image obtained from the first one by using some matching technique such as correlation ? and if it is, do you think that a 3x4 matrix is not detailed enought?
How to compute fundamental matrix using a stereo pair?
2.1k views Asked by user2614596 At
There are 3 answers
Well, most of your doubts would be clarified once you go through Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction.
The Computer Vision System Toolbox includes a function estimateFundamentalMatrix that does what you need. Check out this example of how to estimate the fundamental matrix, and then use it for stereo rectification.