I've got some code like this:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
case class Cat(
val lang: String,
val title: String,
val icon: String,
val count: Int,
val id: Option[Long])
case class InvalidDataException[T](
val value:T,
cause:Option[Throwable] = None )
extends Exception ( msg, cause getOrElse null )
trait CategoryService {
private type NotEmptyErrorList = NonEmptyList[InvalidDataException[_]]
private type _Validation = Validation[NotEmptyErrorList,Category]
def createCategory(
lang: String,
title: String,
icon: String,
channelCount:Int = 0)(
implicit availableLangs: List[String],
session: SQLSession): _Validation = {
val _tLang = lang.trim
val _lang = if( !availableLangs.contains(_tLang) )
InvalidDataException(s"Lang is invalid: ${lang}", lang).failureNel
else _tLang.successNel
val _tTitle = title.trim
val _title = if( _tTitle.isEmpty )
InvalidDataException("Title can't be empty", title ).failureNel
else _tTitle.successNel
val _tIcon = icon.trim
val _icon = if( _tIcon.isEmpty )
InvalidDataException("Icon is empty", icon).failureNel
else _tIcon.successNel
val _count = if( channelCount < 0 )
InvalidDataException(s"Invalid Count for channels: ${channelCount}", channelCount).failureNel
else channelCount.successNel
( _lang |@| _title |@| _icon |@| _count ) { (lang, title, icon, count) =>
Cat(lang, title, icon, count, none)
When I try to compile this code, I get this error:
[error] ~/i/prjs/.../Cat.scala:62: type mismatch;
[error] found : scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[InvalidDataException[Int]],Int]
[error] required: scalaz.Validation[scalaz.NonEmptyList[InvalidDataException[String]],?]
[error] ( _lang |@| _title |@| _icon |@| _count ) { (lang, title, icon, count) =>
[error] ^
I know I can cast type to Any
- mannually :
private type _V[T] = Validation[NotEmptyErrorList,T]
val _lang:_V[String] = ...
But I prefer compiler do this for me! Is there another way to pass the error? Why compiler can't cast those ?