How to compile oracle Pro*c files (.pc ) with g++ in windows 10

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I have two machines one with unix (with oracle,proc and g++)and one with windows 10 (with oracle,proc and g++[mingw-64])

I have a .pc file that I precomplie with the pro*c compiler with following command on windows powershell as well as on unix.

 proc CODE=cpp CPP_SUFFIX=cpp PARSE=NONE sample.pc

After getting "sample.cpp" file I can easily compile and run the executable on unix with the following command

g++ *.cpp -I $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/ -L $ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh -o a.out

Now I want to do the same thing (compilation of the generated .cpp file using g++ and linking it with a oracle pro*c lib file [lclntsh in case of unix]) on windows but I don't know how to do that.


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