How to compile and execute multiple TypeScript modules with single entry point, to a single file

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For some reason, I find myself in a situation where I need to compile one file (main entry point), which depends on multiple other modules in other files, into a single-bundle-file. It must be able to run in the browser.

I must use the TypeScript compiler, and only that tool (i.e. not Webpack, Babel, etc.).

I am currently compiling using the --outFile option with --module set to either System or AMD (which are the only ones allowed for --outFile).

For System, something along the lines of the following gets generated:

[some more modules ...]

System.register("index", [...], function (exports, context) {

When I try to stick this in an HTML file like this:

<!doctype html>
    <meta content="">
    <script src=""></script>
    [some more modules ...]

    System.register("index", [...], function (exports, context) {
    System.import("index").then(function (m) {

I get:

Error: Unable to resolve specifier 'index' from [...]

What am I doing wrong with System? Also, which is better for my purpose? AMD or System?


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