I have problems combining multiple for loops. I will give an example with two of them, I would like to combine. If I know how to do it with two I will also be able to do it with multiple loops.
If anyone knows how to write this as lapply function that would also be nice.
#### download files from this link to directory: (I just downloaded manually,two files are sufficient to answer the example)
#### ftp://rfdata:[email protected]/WFDEI/LWdown_daily_WFDEI/
temp = list.files(pattern="*.nc") #list imported netcdf files
lapply(setNames(temp, make.names(gsub("*.nc$", "", temp))),
nc_open), envir = .GlobalEnv) #import all parameters lists to global environment
#### first loop - # select parameter out of netcdf files and combine into a List of 2
list_temp<-list() #create empty list before loop
for (t in temp[1:2]){
#### second loop # select parameter out of onenetcdf file per x-coordinate and combine into a List of 2
list_temp<-list() #create empty list before loop
for (x in 176:177){
How I tried to combine but didn't work:
#### combined loops
for (t in temp[1:2]){for (x in 176:177){
I already solved my problem. See below. But I am still curious how one could solve the two for loops as described above, so I will leave the question open an unanswered.
Here is my solution:
# store all files from ftp://rfdata:[email protected]/WFDEI/ in the following folder:
temp = list.files(pattern="*.nc") #list all the file names
param<-gsub("_\\S+","",temp,perl=T) #extract parameter from file name
xcoord=seq(176,180,by=1) #The X-coordinates you are interested in
ycoord=seq(428,433,by=1) #The Y-coordinates you are interested in
list_var<-list() # make an empty list
for (t in 1:length(temp)){
temp_year<-str_sub(temp[],-9,-6) #take string number last place minus 9 till last place minus 6 to extract the year from file name
temp_month<-str_sub(temp[],-5,-4) #take string number last place minus 9 till last place minus 6 to extract the month from file name
temp_day<-rep(seq(1:length(ncvar_get(temp_netcdf),"day"))),length(xcoord)*length(ycoord)) # make a string of day numbers the same length as amount of values
dim.order<-sapply(temp_netcdf[["var"]][[param[t]]][["dim"]],function(x) x$name) # gives the name of each level of the array
start <- c(lon = 428, lat = 176, tstep = 1) # indicates the starting value of each variable
count <- c(lon = 6, lat = 5, tstep = length(ncvar_get(temp_netcdf,"day"))) # indicates how many values of each variable have to be present starting from start
tempstore<-ncvar_get(temp_netcdf, param[t], start = start[dim.order], count = count[dim.order]) # array with parameter values
df_temp<-array2df (tempstore, levels = list(lon=ycoord, lat = xcoord, day = NA), label.x = "value") # convert array to dataframe
Add_date<-sort(as.Date(paste(temp_year[t],"-",temp_month[t],"-",temp_day,sep=""),"%Y-%m-%d"),decreasing=FALSE) # make vector with the dates
list_var[t]<-list(data.frame(Add_date,df_temp,parameter=param[t])) #add dates to data frame and store in a list of all output files
### nc_close(temp_netcdf) #close nc file to prevent data loss and errors