I'm trying to use q-virtual-scroll combined with a transition or transition-group. Unfortunately, the default content slot of the q-virtual-scroll component adds in some extra html tags, which causes the direct children of the transition-group component to not have unique keys. This causes the contained items to be unable to adhere to the transition(-group) animations.
My code looks like this:
<q-virtual-scroll :items="items" v-slot="{ item }">
<transition leave-active-class="animated fadeOut">
<div class="row q-col-gutter-x-md">
<div class="col">
<div class="row q-col-gutter">
{{ item.text }}
This doesn't generate any animation effect.
Hence my question: is it possible to combine the q-virtual-scroll component with transition-group animations?
You can use QIntersection I think. It will provide similar kind of transition that you need.
Here is Doc - https://quasar.dev/vue-components/intersection#qintersection-api
Github - https://github.com/pratik227/virtual_scroll_demo
Demo - https://jazzy-smakager-bbb253.netlify.app/#/